sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2017

José Capela e a História de Moçambique

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Venho lembrar que estão abertas as inscrições para a Conferência Internacional José Capela e a história de Moçambique: 45 anos depois de O vinho para o preto, evento
de evocação e homenagem a José Soares Martins.

O evento é organizado pelo Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto (CEAUP) e o Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CU-UL), em colaboração com o Centro de Estudos Internacionais do ISCTE-IUL e o
Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, e terá lugar a 29 e 30 de Maio de 2017, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

Neste evento, serão bem-vindas comunicações que se debrucem sobre os tópicos nos quais a atividade de José Capela se centrou especialmente:
• A história e as dinâmicas sociais de Moçambique;
• A historiografia de Moçambique e os desafios que se colocam hoje ao saber social em Moçambique;
• A história e o papel político-social da imprensa e da comunicação social em Moçambique.

Submissão de propostas: até 15 de Março de 2017.
Línguas de trabalho: português, inglês, francês e espanhol.

Para mais informações:


Eugénia Rodrigues
Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa


quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2017


O Projeto tem por objetivo criar Acervos Digitais que contemple documentos (escritos, orais, iconográficos) 
e ações do protagonismo negro (vídeos-documentários),  com vistas a atuar no processo educativo das relações 
étnico-raciais e na interatividade com os seus usuários (professores, extensionistas, pesquisadores, alunos e
movimentos populares). Propõe digitalizar 30.000 imagens e realizar 5 vídeos documentários com lideranças 
e personalidades negras. Contudo, obtivemos 31.346 imagens digitalizadas e 7 vídeos documentários 
com lideranças e personalidades negras. 

Vanderbilt University: http://www.vanderbilt.edu/esss/brazil/projects/projectparaiba.php 
British Library: http://eap.bl.uk/database/overview_project.a4d?projID=EAP627;r=26362 

ENTRE EM CONTATO VIA: https://www.facebook.com/neabi.ufpb.1




Segue divulgação do evento a ser realizado nos dias 15-17 de março de 2017 na Universidade Federal da Bahia.

Conferência internacional “Poder e dinheiro na era do tráfico: escravidão e outros laços econômicos entre África e Brasil”
15-17 de março de 2017, PAF I- Ondina, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Organização: King's College London (departamento de História/Departamento de Português, Espanhol e Linguas Latinas); Universidade Federal da Bahia (Grupo de Pesquisa Escravidão e Invenção da Liberdade, PPGH-UFBA)
Organizadores: Toby Green (King’s College London, UK), Carlos da Silva Jr. (King’s College London, UK), João José Reis (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil)

Quarta feira, 18:30h – 21:00h

➢ 18:30h: Mesa de Abertura do evento.
➢ 19:00h: Conferência de abertura: Escravidão e tráfico na formação do Brasil
• Conferencista: Luiz Felipe de Alencastro (Université Paris-Sorbonne, France/ Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brasil).

Quinta feira, 9:30h – 21:00h

➢ Abertura da sessão, 9:30h – 10:15h: Carlos Cardoso (INEP, Guiné Bissau): “Circulações e Intercessões no Atlântico: imaginando e construindo pontes entre a África Ocidental e o Brasil”.
➢ Chair: Jose Lingna Nafafe (University of Bristol, UK).

➢ 10:30h – 12:30h: Painel I: Política, economia e sociedade na era do comércio atlântico de escravos

• José Curto (York University, Canadá): “Migração forçada e livre no Atlântico Sul: Benguela e Rio de Janeiro, c. 1700-1850”;
• Mariza Soares (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil): “O comércio de escravos e mercadorias na costa do Loango no século XVII”;
• Jaime Rodrigues (Unifesp, Brasil): “‘Portugueses vassalos deste Reino Unido’: interesses lusos no tráfico de africanos para o Brasil, 1818-1828”.

➢ 12:30 – 14:30: Break/Lunch

➢ 14:30h - 16:00h: Painel II: Experiências atlânticas

• Paulo Farias (University of Birmingham, UK): “Expertise levada à África por retornados do Brasil: questões históricas a respeito da tecnologia açucareira no Califado de Sokoto a partir de 1829-1836”;
• José Lingna Nafafe (University of Bristol, UK): “Escravidão e liberdade no mundo atlântico lusófono: forças econômicas contra o discurso de Lourenço da Silva de Mendonça, século XVII”;
• Mariana Candido (University of Notre Dame, USA): “A circulação de mulheres africanas livres no Atlântico Meridional, Século XIX”.

➢ Break

➢ 18:30h – 21:00h: Painel III: Biografias atlânticas

• Luis Nicolau Parés (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil): “Africanos, libertos e comerciantes: uma comunidade mercantil atlântica na fronteira da legalidade (1835-1845)”;
• Candido Domingues (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal): “Investimentos e riscos de uma viagem negreira na rota Bahia-Costa da Mina: o caso da corveta Nossa Senhora da Esperança e São José, 1767”;
• Kristin Mann (Emory University, USA): “Foi Salvador uma sociedade escravista na era do comércio ilegal? Duas perspectivas familiares”.

Sexta feira, 9:30h – 17:30h

➢ 9:30h – 12:30h: Painel IV: Salvador e a economia atlântica na era da abolição
• João José Reis (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil): “O tráfico negreiro e o escravo senhor de escravo: Bahia, 1800-1850”;
• Lisa Castillo (Universidade de Campinas, Brasil): “Conexões atlânticas no Candomblé da Bahia no século XIX”;
• Mary Hicks (Amherst College, USA): “Panos como línguas: panos de costa, marinheiros libertos e escravos, e quitandeiras africanas em Salvador da Bahia (1797-1850)”.

➢ 12:30-14:00: Break/Lunch

➢ 14:00h – 16:00h: Painel V: Crédito e dinheiro no tráfico atlântico

• Joseph C. Miller (University of Virginia, USA): Crédito, cativos, colateral, e moeda corrente: Dívida, escravidão, e o financiamento do mundo atlântico”;
• Carlos Silva Jr. (King’s College London), UK: "Da Índia para a África Ocidental via Bahia: búzios e a economia trans-oceanica na era do tráfico";
• Toby Green (King’s College London, UK): “Prata, cera, panos e trigo: economias de produção e trocas no mundo pan-atlântico antes de 1700”.

➢ 16:30h – 17:30h: Encerramento da conferência: Perspectivas para a história econômica e social da África e da diáspora africana.
Roundtable com Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, Kristin Mann, Joseph C. Miller, Mariza de Carvalho Soares, Carlos Cardoso.
➢ Chair: Paulo de Moraes Farias.

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2017


Professor emeritus Jan Vansina, one of the world’s foremost historians of Africa, died peacefully in Madison on Wednesday, February 8, 2017. He was surrounded by his wife, Claudine, and his son, Bruno. Diagnosed with lung cancer in the Fall of 2015, Vansina underwent chemotherapy for a few weeks and enjoyed a remission in the summer and early fall of 2016, during which he continued his tireless quest for understanding the past of Central Africa. A pioneering figure in the study of Africa, Vansina is considered one of the founders of the field of African history in the 1950s and 1960s. His insistence that it was possible to study African history in the era prior to European contact, and his development of rigorous historical methods for doing so, played a major role in countering the then prevalent idea that cultures without texts had no history. He remained a trailblazer in the field for more than five decades. Vansina spent most of his career at UW-Madison, where he took up a positon in African History in 1960 at the invitation of Philip Curtin. Together, Vansina and Curtin created the first program in African history in the United States, and trained the first and second generation of specialists in the history of Africa and the African diaspora. Vansina quickly became a towering figure in the field, a scholar of exceptional intelligence, erudition and intellectual drive. He combined an encyclopedic knowledge of linguistics, anthropology and history with a steadfast commitment to rigorous historical research, and a unique talent to recover intricate historical changes in places where little traces of the past could be retrieved. In scale, depth, complexity, clarity and significance, his work in African history was unique and will certainly remain so for many years to come. Vansina’s career was marked by daring and original choices. Born in 1929 in Antwerp, Belgium, he trained as a medievalist before accepting a position in 1952 as an anthropologist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, then a Belgian colony. After conducting several months of field research in Nsheng among the Kuba, and working at the Institute for Scientific Research in Central Africa (IRSAC) in Butare, Rwanda, where he met his wife-to-be, Claudine, Vansina went back to Leuven to earn a licence (BA) in historical linguistics and to defend a Ph.D. on “The Historical Value of Oral Tradition: Application to Kuba History” (1957). He also spent a few months at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, getting to know the work of Nigerian historians Kenneth Dike and Jacob Ajayi, who had organized archives in Nigeria. Along with them and British scholars Roland Oliver and John Fage, he participated in three major conferences on African history at SOAS. This was the beginning of Vansina’s many collaborations in international academic and research networks that resulted in helping to publish the UNESCO History of Africa (1964-1999), the first collective effort to establish a global, academic history of the continent. In 1959, Vansina went back to Rwanda to serve as the director of IRSAC. During a break in Europe in 1960, he was invited by Philip Curtin to accept a position in the History Department at UW-Madison and decided to move to Wisconsin. At UW-Madison, Vansina brought immense energy and commitment to the scholarship and legacy of African history. He held his position for thirty-five years (1960-1994), advising more than 50 Ph.D. dissertations and writing over 200 articles and 20 books. Beginning with the publication of La tradition orale in 1960, his work led to the acceptance in the academic world of oral traditions as valid sources of history. La tradition orale appeared in English in 1965 and eventually translations in Spanish, Italian, Arabic, and Hungarian followed. In 1985, Vansina published Oral Tradition as History, a complete reworking of La tradition orale that became his most widely known book. Vansina also promoted the use of interdisciplinary tools, especially historical linguistics, archaeology, and art history, to recover the African past. His reputation as the preeminent authority on methods for the study of early Africa extended beyond academia. When the journalist Alex Haley was conducting research for what would become his famous book Roots, he sought out Vansina’s assistance in tracing his family’s history to a point of origin in Africa. Vansina suggested that the few words, names, and stories that had been passed down to Haley from an enslaved African ancestor named Kunta Kinte might be from the Mandingo people in Gambia, where Haley eventually met a griot in a remote village who had memorized the history of an extended Kinte family, including Kunta Kinte. An energetic teacher and a generous mentor, he had wide influence on several generations of students. He remained close to his former students and colleagues following his retirement in 1994 at the age of 65. Living close to UW campus, Vansina remained a stimulating and generous presence for African historians, students and friends, and the many scholars who visited him and Claudine to converse and debate about African history, African politics, or the tribulations of academia in the United States. His intellectual prowess remained intact until his death and continued to fuel his remarkable productivity. Every year, he offered the inaugural sandwich seminar at the African Studies Program at UW. His last presentation reflected on history and memory from the viewpoint of the capacity of the human brain to preserve and rework past experience and information. This was to become Vansina’s new research project, cut too soon by illness. In his last few months, he tireless worked with Professor Rebecca Gromellund on a joint article on Bantu languages, currently under review for the Journal of African History. The history of Central Africa, and the early history of Africa as a whole, could not be what it is today without Vansina’s immense contributions. He was the first historian to tackle the challenge of reconstructing the past of societies in the rainforest over several millennia, from the early diffusion of Bantu languages and communities to political and cultural innovations in the early modern period and the nineteenth century. In 1990, Paths in the Rainforest: Towards a History of Political Tradition in Equatorial Africa, crowned this encyclopedic research and thinking. Covering more than two thousand years of history, the book detailed the rich traditions that Equatorial Africans created to invent their society, culture and institutions, ending with the disruptions brought by the slave trade and European intrusions in the nineteenth century. Six major books followed. Living with Africa (1994) combined Vansina’s intellectual biography with a history of the discipline. In 2003, he wrote When Societies are Born as a complement to Paths in the Rainforest, turning to the early history of the southern part of West Central Africa. Antecedents to Modern Rwanda: the Nyiginya Kingdom (2004) looked at the early formation of Hutu and Tutsi identities, and the development and expansion of the ancient Rwandan kingdom. The book was a feat of historical research, based on hundreds of oral traditions (ibitéekerezo). It also made a clear political statement by countering the Rwandan government’s claim that the eastern provinces of Congo had once belonged to Rwanda. In 2010, Being Colonized traced how the Kuba people in the Congo experienced colonial rule. Using dreams, life stories, and visual archives, the book offered a unique view of the fabric of African life under European domination. In 2014, Jan Vansina published Through the Day, Through the Night: A Flemish Belgian Boyhood and World War II, a lively memoir on his life as a young man under the German occupation in Belgium. Vansina received numerous honors and distinctions over the course of his career. He twice won the African Studies Association’s Melville Herskovits Prize for the best book in African Studies, the first time for Kingdoms of the Savanna in 1967 and the second for When Societies are Born in 2004. Vansina was also an early recipient of the African Studies Association’s Distinguished Africanist Award and toward the end of his life he was awarded the American Historical Association’s Award for Scholarly Distinction (2014). He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1982, from which he quietly resigned when the group failed to denounce the use of torture during the presidency of George W. Bush, and to the American Philosophical Society in 2000. Vansina was committed throughout his professional life to promoting the writing of African history for African audiences. Some of his last thoughts concerned the younger generation of Central Africans, whom he hoped could read rich, updated and accessible histories of their region. He believed that a sense of pride in their past could help them to deal with the challenges of the present. Jan Vansina’s love for Africa and Africans, his inextinguishable passion for knowledge and truth, and for making them abundantly available to all, marked everyone who had the privilege to meet him. -